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Kansas Wesleyan University

KWU Forensics and Debate traveled to Norman, OK to compete in the 26th annual Sweetheart Swing hosted by the University of Oklahoma and Texas A&M University Feb. 10–12. The atmosphere for this particular tournament is always special as teams traditionally exchange valentines. KWU fared well in the tournament despite several team members missing competition due to illness.

In Parliamentary Debate, the team of senior Alex Vore and junior Dakota Yates placed 4th.

In International Parliamentary Debate, the team of Alex Vore and sophomore Jacob Studebaker placed 4th.

Dakota Yates placed 4th in Extemporaneous Speaking.

Freshman Megan Kline placed 4th in Informative Speaking and was a semifinalist in Extemporaneous Speaking.

Autumn Zimmerman placed 6th in Communication Analysis.

Learn more about KWU Forensics and Debate.